We, the novices were privileged
to journey through an eight-day group therapy from 14th to 21st
November 2014 here at the novitiate. Sr. Mercy Thennattil, from the
Congregation of the Holy Cross, guided us through these days. It was a time of
grace for each one of us to know one’s ‘self’, to go deep into one’s past, heal
one’s wounds and thus begin anew with new energy and vision in life. The
therapy helped to patch up one’s life which was wounded by our past negative
experiences. Just like a plant which has to go through different stages like
cleaning, digging, weeding, watering before it bears good fruit, in the same
way from the first day till the last day we were guided by Sr. Mercy to dig
deep into ourselves and discover many things about ourselves. We identified
ourselves with different symbols which helped us to know our present self as to
what process we are presently undergoing in our life.
Group Therapy |
Sr. Mercy also tried
to make us understand how precious our life is, by giving different examples
like, the kite which symbolizes our
life. We have to fly our own kite high up in the sky and never allow the string
to be controlled by others. Most of the times we allow the external environment
to take control over us, and as a result we forget about our own feelings and
desires and tend to be people whose lives are totally controlled by others. Sometimes
we can be like the sponge, just as it
absorbs every liquid and dirt in which it is placed, we too, in life try to
pick up everything around us, and mostly the negative part and fail to see the
good that lies deep within us. We create a boundary wall around us with all
types of fears that never allow us to move forward in life and never allow
others to come close to us. To get rid of all this we have to be people who are
open, assertive and balanced in everything, ready to accept and see the
positive and the negative of everything. This will help us to be people who
make a difference in this world.
We owe a deep sense of
gratitude to the Mumbai Province, in particular our dear Mother Provincial and
Sr. Anelfreda Miranda our novice directress for offering us this unique