Saturday, 25 April 2015

Grazie Madre!

Buona Festa Carissima Madre!

We, the novitiate community at Nashik – Maharashtra (INB), wish you our beloved Mother General Sr. Yvonne Reungoat a very Happy Feast on this World Gratitude Day! We thank God for you, you are the bond of communion and the centre of unity in the FMA Institute. We are grateful for your personal care for each of us, for all that you’ve been doing in order that we grow in Salesian sanctity. May God flood your life with His gifts and keep you in good health. We are united with you as the FMAworld celebrates the World Gratitude Day in Bolivia.

We greet you with LOTUS national flower of our country India.

This flower has been an auspicious symbol of Indian culture since time immemorial. Choice of Lotus As National Flower - The Lotus Flower symbolizes divinity, fertility, wealth, knowledge and enlightenment. It is also regarded as a symbol of triumph as it can survive to re-germinate for thousands of years. Lotus represents long life, honor, and good fortune. Untouched by the impurity despite growing in mud, the flower is also meant to symbolize the purity of heart and mind.  

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

World Gratitude Day 2015


Kantuta - National Flower of Bolivia

Gratitude is the gateway to the divine and greatness is the day to a happy life. In typical Salesian tradition, Don Bosco has passed on that every Salesian community has a day of thanksgiving to the Superior. This festive tradition has been kept up from the very beginning in every community and in the Institute as a whole. In keeping with the theme of the Strenna proposed by the Rector Major, the theme chosen for the World Feast of Gratitude 2015 is, “To grow and flourish with the young wherever God wants us to”. This year the feast is to be celebrated in the Bolivian Province of Our Lady of Peace at Cochabamba (Bolivia) on the 25th and 26th of April, 2015.  For this feast, the whole Institute has a month long spiritual preparation to be kept up in every community. On 25th March 2015, we the community of SHTC Nashik lifted up our hearts and minds in joyful thanksgiving to God for our dear Mother General, as we began our spiritual preparation for the annual feast of gratitude.
We are very grateful to God for our beloved Mother General Sr. Yvonne Reungoat through whom He leads and guides our Institute on the path of Holiness in the footsteps of our founders Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello. To meet the demands of the first week of spiritual preparation that is signified by the colour red, symbolizing our Looking to the past with gratitude, we had a small thanksgiving prayer moment, thanking God for His marvelous interventions in our Institute, Mother Church and in our Community, during the past years. In the second week we have the yellow colour symbolizing our living the present with passion and joy and in the third week symbolized by the colour green we will focus on embracing the future with hope. As Salesian tradition has it, we also decorated our notice board creatively depicting the logo and the theme of the Feast. For a greater union with the Bolivian Province, we had conferences on the dossier sent by the Institute, in which the many details of the country and its people are highlighted.

Each FMA community spread over the globe is unique and important as a unique brick in the living monument of our Gratitude to our Blessed Mother. We are grateful to God for this our Institute named after the Help of Christians and for its members both past and present who over the ages have passed on to us the invaluable traditions of our Founders. We pray that God may bless our Institute and our dear Mother General, and help each Daughter of Mary Help of Christians to grow and to flourish with the young wherever God wants us to.
Celebrations at SHTC

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

The Passionate Glory of Christ

Easter is the celebration of God’s love for the world, made manifest through the life, passion, death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is the axis upon which our Christian faith rotates. Without the resurrection, our faith would be meaningless, and the resurrection would be meaningless without the passion of Jesus.
The greatest love story ever told is relived every year at the Easter Triduum, wherein Jesus lived in its fullness all that He preached during His lifetime. Let’s have a look at how He did it.
The first day of the Easter triduum is Maundy Thursday. On this day, the Church commemorates Jesus’ institution of the sacrament of the Eucharist and the Holy Priesthood. The only form in which Jesus would appear to the world today is in the form of bread as a major part of the world, sleeps in hunger. The world waits with eager longing for the satisfaction of their spiritual hunger for God with spiritual bread. The breaking of bread that happened at the Last Supper, should happen at the altar of our lives every day through our service to others. Jesus became food and drink for us all, let us in turn be food and water for each other daily.
The world today tells us to seek success, power, and money; but God tells us to seek divinity, humility, service and love. At the meal of the manifestation of the greatest love one can have, the apostles were lost in seeking the greatest among them, but Jesus revealed through the washing of feet that the one who is in authority, in other words, the greatest is called to serve and not to be served.
The second day of the Triduum is Good Friday, where the love story reaches its climax. Jesus, who had just said that He would give us His body and blood for nourishment, gave himself up to death for the salvation of our souls. One of the only thing He could call His own was the cross and through it, He bought us our redemption. Good Friday is also a call for each of us to realize how much God loves us and come back to His loving embrace, to be cleansed of all our sins in His precious blood and begin anew.
The third day of the triduum is Holy Saturday, a day when we watch and pray with the sorrowful mother of Jesus, whom He gave us as our own mother. Through Her entire life this courageous virgin accepted the will of God and is now at the test of her faith as she watched her own Son die before her in the most gruesome manner on earth. Yet, she continued to firmly believe that God would fulfill all that He said. With her we await the day of the glorious resurrection.
At the Easter vigil, we await the Resurrection through contemplation on the love of God which He showed from the very beginning of time and continued to show to His people despite all our unbelief.
And then the day of the Resurrection; the day when Jesus won the victory of over death and rose triumphant from the tomb. Yes, the tomb is empty, He has risen.  Easter is a proof that our faith is joyful, but not without thorns. Only through death will we have a resurrection. The cross is not the end of our faith, but the resurrection is.
Let us be an Easter people, alleluia is our song of joy. May Jesus grant us the eyes of Easter that can look past death and see life, look past division and see unity, look past ugliness and see splendor, look into the human person and see God, look at God and see every human, look past I and see U.