Tuesday, 16 August 2016

General Councillor Rev. Fr.Ivo Coelho's short visit

On 3rd August we were very happy to have Fr.Ivo Coelho S.D.B ( General Councillor of Formation Sector). for a short visit to our novitiate. He was accompanied by Fr.Robert Pen the rector of Divyadan in the afternoon. We the novices sang hymns and song in different language and made him feel at home with us.At 6.30 p.m once again he came to give a talk and share some experience with the novices. This is to be admired by all of us, a Councillor General sitting down on the floor for nearly 45 minutes with the novices.
This is what all of experience after he spoke to us - a different experience where we first share our feelings and thought on formation and then he was able to guide us and inspire us.
We thank God for such a wonderful person gifted to our Salesian family. We ask God to be with him and accompany him in the mission entrusted to him of being the General Councillor for formation sector inorder to bring many more souls closer to God.

For the love of Mary

    “Woman behold your son, son behold your mother.”

Inauguration of the Marian Month by Sr.Salome D'souza

At the foot of the cross, Mother Mary was given to be our mother. Our founder       St .John Bosco is one such individual, who had the joy and privilege of having Mother Mary as his teacher and guide, especially given to Him by Jesus at the age of nine in a dream. Don Bosco loved our lady all through his life, tried to spread the devotion among people and his boy’s in the oratory by keeping up all Marian Feasts and Marian Month.On 18th July we sisters and Novices of Sacred Heart Training Centre began our Marian Month with fervor and joy to express our love for our Blessed Mother during this Marian Month. Ours is an institute that belongs entirely to Mary and each one of us are called to be living monuments of Mary Help Of Christians .We began by lighting of the lamp by SR.SALOME D’SOUZA as a sign of our pledge and willingness to enter into the spirit of this month, a salesian tradition the dedicates the entire month in honour of our Blessed Mother.We the community of SHTC desire to walk in the footsteps of our Blessed Mother thus making her qualities and dispositions our own. We pray that this month be a month full of enthusiasm, fervor and love for our heavenly mother and may she never tire of turning her merciful eyes upon us and make us worthy to contemplate the face of mercy of her son Jesus.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Formation - a inner change

"No one can substitute the person in his freedom and responsibility.’’
 We were glad to have Most Rev. Fr. Chrysanthus Saldanha in our midst on 4th June 4, 2016 in the morning.
We were fortunate to listen to his talk on formation.
Fr.Chrysanthus Saldanha talking to the novices on Formation
He highlighted his talk with few points
-  Each one of us are responsible for his/her formation.
- For our inner change we need to pray, reflect, have a contemplative study, personal plan and sharing (our inner journey with our guide)
- Formation is a  Collaboration with the Holy Spirit who forms Christ in us.
                We take this opportunity to thank Fr.Chrysanthus Saldanha , Sr. Salome and all the sisters of the community for giving us an opportunity to know the true meaning of FORMATION


Celebrating the feast of the patron of our dwelling

                “You have loved me and made me lovable.” 

Yes these were the sentiments in our hearts as we began our celebration of the feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Community gathered together for morning prayer
We began our preparation with the fervent novena on 25th May reflecting on the different virtues needed to live fruitful community life, such as Prayerful community, Listening community, Loving  community, Forgiving community, Joyful community, United community, Dynamic community, Apostolic community and  Missionary community  with much reflection during our prayer moments.Filled with enthusiasm we began our celebration with vigil service which helped us experience his love and also helped us understand his plans though his message.  
We as a community are happy to begin this new scholastic year with this feast. 
Gathered together for the Holy Eucharist
At the dawn of 3rd June we woke up with a music followed by well animated morning prayer. At 7.00  am we had a solemn Eucharistic celebration together with all our neighboring religious communities celebrated by Fr.  Chris Saldhana  SDB and other five con-celebrants. Fr.Chris Saladhana very well brought out the importance of the “ Love of God” during His homily saying, there are many titles given to Jesus in the new testament but most important is the one which Jesus himself gives that is “I am the good Shepherd” He takes care of us as though I was the only one to take care, and loves us as though I was the only one to love. God is supreme. God cannot go above Him because there is nothing beyond Him He can only come down, this is the virtue of Humility a virtue of God.  We were enriched by the inspiring thoughts delivered to us by Fr.  Chris Saldhana
Wishing one all a Happy Feast in the refectory
Soon after the Eucharistic celebration we all gathered together for the breakfast in the refectory followed by the festal song by the novices wishing each one a Happy Feast. In the evening the novices put up a short programme based on God’s love and mercy with the theme – JESUS STILL LOVES YOU…reaching even to the least in the society be it prostitute or murderer.  We were grateful to God for His blessings and miracles.  We ended our day of celebration with a good thought by our Novice Formator 
Sr. Salome D’souza where she helped us know the power of God’s love more                                                                                      clearly.

Gathered together for breakfast with other religious community

Novices showed their love to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through
a short programme

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Initiation to the Novitiate

We the Postulants Akshitha Lobo, Benzina Vayaghar, Jesmine Fernandes, Sangeeta Marvi, Sushma Gonsalves and Vencila Dimekar were initiated as 1st year Novices on the 23rd of May. We were happy to take one more step in our religious life. The seven days retreat helped us to be ready for the coming year. As we thank God for our call we also thank our Mother Provincial Sr. Rita Dora, Superiors and all the sisters who encouraged us to follow Christ more closely.
Receiving the Novice medal
Initiation Service
With Provincial and Novice Formator

Days with the Lord

“Be still and know that I am God”. Ps 46; 10.

God’s Love and mercy is ever present to mould and heal us. 
Annual Retreat Group
Yes indeed each one of us experienced God’s abundant encouraging love in these days of grace. ‘Making God the foundation, the context of our life’ was the theme for our retreat. Fr. Isaac Arokiaparambil sdb our retreat preacher beautifully explained this theme capturing our hearts and minds with examples, jokes and stories. A retreat is a time where we look back and thank God for his intervention in our life. Prayer cannot change the destined situation but can change us to see positively at the situation. We have found a marvelous meaning of life and have been energized by God’s unconditional love to continue our formative journey, sharing God’s love and mercy with young people and with our community member. 
The Holy Eucharist 

Talks by Fr.Isaac A.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Friends of the Earth

The 15th and 16th of April 2016, marked the Eco-friendly days of the novitiate, in the company of Sr. Santana Pereira and the environment. Well before the course could begin, we were made aware of what it would offer us and what we needed to offer in return so that the course could bear much fruit.
We began on the 15th morning with the fundamental requirement which would make us open to the two days of animation- becoming aware of ourselves as beings of creation, in whom the breath of life flows. It was really touching to note that things that we often take for granted have so much to teach us, even as routine as the daily morning hymn.
Through a more intense study of the first two chapters of the book of Genesis, we were brought to the awareness that the fundamental truth hidden in these two historical myths is that God is the creator of everything that exists, and that we are not given creation to do with it what we like, but that we are made responsible for creation, for its sustenance and its well-being.
There was something new in store for us when we were asked to spend some time in speaking to the plants. Later on it became known that it is not just an aesthetic practice but that God has something to teach us in every little thing that exists in nature.
The second day began with most of us getting tuned to the rhythm of our breath. A beautifully guided morning prayer followed which included meditating on the connection of ourselves with nature.
Sr. Santana then organized for a Eucharist celebrated in nature presided over by Fr. Ivan Rodrigues who through his homily brought to our awareness that we should turn from our selfish ways and become people totally caring for the environment and one with it. In our own little way we are called to reduce the harm done to the Earth and even be exemplary in rectifying the ecological crisis.
In the afternoon, we raised up ideas of how we will personally and as a community commit ourselves to a more Eco spiritual outlook. With a practical session of gardening and digging a compost pit followed by highlighting the theme of Eco-feminism, the course in nature and with nature came to an end, not to be forgotten or kept as theory in our books but to form a convinced part of our everyday life.
Thanks to Sr. Anelfreda Miranda for this unique learning opportunity given to us and to Sr. Santana for generously availing herself to make us more Eco-friendly and Eco religious of tomorrow.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

An Encounter with Bishop Lourdes Daniel

It was a day out for all the Salesian sisters of the Nashik Diocese as Bishop Lourdes Daniel, the Bishop of the diocese desired to spend a day with us. The wonderful encounter began with the Lord as we spent our time in praise and worship before Jesus our soul Master and Lord. This day was set aside by the Bishop to appreciate all the good done by the Salesian sisters and to know our concerns and cares so that together we can carry out our mission effectively in this diocese.  This was also a time to get to know each other and to express our difficulties and challenges and to plan out how effectively we can serve the diocese in the coming years. This was the initiative undertaken in the year dedicated to Consecrated life by the Holy Father. 

The resource person for the day was Fr. Trevor Miranda SJ, the Episcopal Vicar for the Religious, who shared with us some innovative ways in which we can serve the church at Nashik.  His personal experiences and expertise were well appreciated by all of us.
Thanks to Bishop Lourdes Daniel for the personal interest and love that he shows towards all the religious in the diocese and specially his loving support to us the Salesian Sisters. We desire to be the visible face of the merciful father in this year of mercy to the people around and bring his compassionate love to the poor and the needy of our society.


Saturday, 12 March 2016

Catechetical Day


Albums and Catechism Books

‘Jesus our light, joy and mercy’ was the theme chosen for our Catechetical Day which was held on 10th march 2016.  It was indeed a beautiful and unique experience for each of us. This day was well prepared through a week long initiatives like faith sharing, study of the document “Witnesses of joy” and videos on various testimonies on Christ. Through this day and weeks preparation we really discovered Christ as our true light, joy and mercy. The Morning Prayer moment, various activities like presentation of charts, sessions, skit, composed song and action songs made the day memorable and enriching one.  We had well animated quiz on the document Misericordiae Vultus. We viewed a movie titled ‘Gods not dead which challenged us that whether we would stand firm or give up in times of trouble and pain.  It gave us a strong message that our God is not dead but He is alive and communicates to us from where we are. We thank our dear Sr.Anelfreda, Sr. Jyothi and Sr. Reshma for this day which was well planned and gave us an opportunity to know Christ and His role in our life.
The Holy Eucharist

Chart presentation

