Sunday, 18 October 2015


“Go out to the margins, joyful bearers of Good News; bring God’s love to the poor and the needy.”

Following our Lord’s teaching, we the second year Novices of the Mumbai Province had a 45 days long APOSTOLIC EXPERIENCE in three different communities of the province. Sr. Kavita Dias and Sr. Savina Naik had their month long experience in the community of Mazzarello Kendra, Kasarkod and Sr. Maxina Luji and Sr. Ira Viegas had theirs in the community of Ranbambuli Oros. For the next fifteen days the four of us got together for an intensive experience of the mission in the community ANMOL Niwas - Koparkhairane, among the slums and the abandoned.
Ranging from assistance, catechism classes, good morning and good night talks, visiting families, NCPs, Marian Sodalities, SHG Groups, tuition classes, classes in schools, animating recreations, to animating special events, like, Teacher’s day, Mother Mary’s birthday, Marian night, etc., our experience was a full dose of almost everything we needed to know before saying our total and committed ‘Yes’ to the Lord.
The mission among the young especially the poor and the abandoned posed before each of us the challenge of being able to put our mission before ourselves and to reach out generously with a large heart to those society neglects and considers good-for-nothing. We are now sure that we too will be doing all we can to follow the Pope’s advice to wake up and reach out to the peripheries. We really had an Emmaus experience of meeting Jesus in the slum dwellers and the homeless. Their smile was homely and warm.
We are grateful to our dear Mother Provincial for giving us the opportunity to experience community and apostolic life in these exemplary communities of the Province. We are also grateful to our dear Sr. Anelfreda Miranda who accompanied us during these days and gave us her timely and wise guidance and advice.  Most of all we are thankful to the communities of Kasarkod, Oros and Koparkhairane for accepting us into their community and helping us to have a fruitful experience and enjoy the spirit of togetherness in their community. Thanking each Sister of the Province for supporting us during these days with your prayer. We surely had a wonderful experience and are sure to put ourselves totally in the mission which lies ahead of us.

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