Knowing and improving oneself is an important aspect of human
life. This course of intensive journal writing did give us an opportunity to
discover our true inner self and the beauty that lies within each one of us.
Sr. Mercy T. belonging to the congregation of the Mercy of the Holy Cross spent
her five days with us to help us to discover our unique selves and appreciate
the worth we are.
The intensive journal writing included daily logs, life history
log, dream log, various intersections and crossroads in our life, dialogue with
persons, work, body, events, society, circumstances, inter process spiritual
meditation log etc. All these helped us to pay attention to our thoughts and
learn to direct them skillfully and through reflection we were able to see our
areas of fear and pain that kept us away from our self-body, emotion and mind.
It is said that we cannot touch the same water of a river twice
so also there were moments in our lives where had made choices which were good and also not so good ones,
it gave us a chance to relive those choices made and enhanced us to take the
routes which we had not travelled. Minds nature is to think, plan and divide, it
separates us from our inner self, until we become aware of our old wounds there
will be still roots of unfulfilled desire, anger and confusion these will pop
out again and again until we reconcile with it. This course gave us a new
beginning, a new way to look at life, a chance to appreciate our inner self and
life. Our existence is transitory but there is unchanging web of life. Nothing
is disconnected, ever changing, unstoppable process, expansiveness,
interconnectedness and freedom. This is the mystery of life.
We thank our formators for this enhancing experiencing provided
to us to grow in wholeness. We thank Sr. Mercy for her precious time and
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