Sunday, 27 December 2015


Knowing and improving oneself is an important aspect of human life. This course of intensive journal writing did give us an opportunity to discover our true inner self and the beauty that lies within each one of us. Sr. Mercy T. belonging to the congregation of the Mercy of the Holy Cross spent her five days with us to help us to discover our unique selves and appreciate the worth we are.
The intensive journal writing included daily logs, life history log, dream log, various intersections and crossroads in our life, dialogue with persons, work, body, events, society,  circumstances, inter process spiritual meditation log etc. All these helped us to pay attention to our thoughts and learn to direct them skillfully and through reflection we were able to see our areas of fear and pain that kept us away from our self-body, emotion and mind.
It is said that we cannot touch the same water of a river twice so also there were moments in our lives where had made  choices which were good and also not so good ones, it gave us a chance to relive those choices made and enhanced us to take the routes which we had not travelled. Minds nature is to think, plan and divide, it separates us from our inner self, until we become aware of our old wounds there will be still roots of unfulfilled desire, anger and confusion these will pop out again and again until we reconcile with it. This course gave us a new beginning, a new way to look at life, a chance to appreciate our inner self and life. Our existence is transitory but there is unchanging web of life. Nothing is disconnected, ever changing, unstoppable process, expansiveness, interconnectedness and freedom. This is the mystery of life. 

We thank our formators for this enhancing experiencing provided to us to grow in wholeness. We thank Sr. Mercy for her precious time and guidance.

Christmas with the poor

The Christmas at Anandwali
Jesus was born poor, lived poor and died poor and so to make this Christmas a memorable event we had a meaningful Christmas celebration for the poor children of Anandwali. Sr. Jyothi Pinto along with two novices Priti Kemu and Shilpa Gonsalves organized this event on the 20th December 2015. 

 Since these poor ones had no knowledge about Christmas they were very excited to know what Christmas was all about. The programme began with a short prayer highlighting the need of God in ones life. This followed the long awaited dance competition which boosted everyones spirit. Then there were very interesting and exciting games which kept the children enthused and busy. After the games Sr. Jyothi through a question answer session revealed the Christmas story which the children appreciated much and also learnt who Jesus is and how his birth took place.

The most important moment was the distribution of prizes and sweets.  The winners were awarded with the prizes and all the children received a Christmas gift which made them truly delighted.  Finally novices distributed some sweets prepared at home with much love which children enjoyed a lot. This was indeed a moment of meeting Jesus in the poor. We thank God for the opportunity and the platform provided to grow in love for the poor and the needy and do our bit as Pope Francis urges us to go to the peripheries.

Christmas celebrations with the boarders of Maria Vihar

Maria Vihar
On the 20th December 2015 we had Christmas tree for the boarding children at Maria Vihar.  It began around 2 o´ clock in the afternoon with a meaningful prayer moment.  Both the communities were invited to witness this celebration and share the joy of Christmas with the children.
Maria Vihar
There were a number of dances, carols and skits giving the message that Jesus does not want big gifts but a clean and a generous heart. There were also some exciting games conducted like bombing the city, coin relay, preparing boats and advertisement on Christmas which the children enjoyed to the full.  Around 4 o´ clock we finished all the games. Sr. Anelfreda Miranda our Novice Mistress gave away the prizes and delivered the Christmas message. Santa Clause had a special gift for every child which made them very happy.  After exchanging Christmas wishes and distribution of sweets we concluded this short Christmas celebration. 


Saturday, 5 December 2015

Communicators of Good News

Our beloved Pope Francis in his message for the 49th World Communications Day states that, “The womb of a mother is the first school of communication, and the family is the place where we first learn to communicate. On 5th December 2015, we the Sisters and novices of Sacred Heart Training Centre, Nashik celebrated the World Communications Day with bubbling joy and great enthusiasm in our hearts.
The day was full of surprises, beginning with a beautifully animated morning prayer, portraying the theme: “Being effective communicators for a fruitful mission.”  This was followed by a Photo Language meditation, by sharing our thoughts and feelings through the pictures. To make this day a reality we had different initiatives. Sr. Jyothi Pinto helped us to reflect on the message of Pope Francis written to the faithful on the occasion of the world communications day. The session by Fr. Robert Pen sdb on the topic “Parenting in the digital age” was enriching, wherein he made us aware of the recent negative trends online and the need of educating the parents to the media world. There was a creative display of the different means of communications in the Chapel before the altar as also on the notice board. The different liturgy groups animated sessions on joy, life and doing things extraordinarily. Advertisements for different forms of communication were staged too. We also paid a visit to our novitiate blog. During the intervals we had action songs taught by the different groups. To end the note with the theme of communication, we viewed a movie at night on the topic of being where God wants us to be and to find our joy in fulfilling His Will, and we also had a discussion/evaluation on it.
It was a really wonderful learning experience of the media world all loaded in one beautifully organized day. 

Monday, 30 November 2015


“To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is noble and generous but to live gratitude is to touch the heavens”. On 25th November 2015 our novitiate community became the altar of gratitude as we celebrated our community gratitude day. ‘Journeying towards holiness through joyful community communion’ was our theme. To build a structure we need strong foundation and firm pillars to hold the structure; in this one month spiritual preparation for our community gratitude day we strove to make Jesus our strong foundation and cheerfulness, understanding, knowing each other personally and being nourished by the Eucharist were our strong four pillars on which we built our community. This time of preparation helped each one of us to appreciate each other for our presence and for the unique role each plays to complete our community.
The Eucharist was solemnly celebrated by Fr. Felix Fernandes sdb. He enriched us with his homily wherein stressed that each community is the house of the Holy Trinity. Though the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are different yet they are one so also each community is called to build this divine bond. We are called to be blessings to our community. Though we are from different parts of our country this difference should bring us together to each other in love.
Our evening celebration was solemnized by the presence of S.T.I Fathers, brothers, Maria Vihar sisters, boarders and our helpers as we put up a semi-musical on the life of our saintly mother Mary Domenica Mazzarello. The play highlighted her as treasure of virtues, fountain of grace and embroidery of God’s love to the people. She is indeed a woman for all times. We thank God for this day which brought us together as one family may we continue to bear witness like the early Christian community and spread the love of Jesus to the ends of the earth.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Cost what it may - Bl. Maddalena Morano

An exhortation from the FMA Saint whom we celebrate today:

“Think as Jesus would have thought.
Pray as Jesus would have prayed.
Act as Jesus would have acted”

                           – Blessed Maddalena Morano

Discouragement and bitterness due to disturbing and overwhelming events are understandable human feelings but they should not quell Christian courage in doing good, “COST WHAT IT MAY”, Mother Morano used to say.

A very Happy Feast to you!

Sunday, 8 November 2015

A Day with the Youth

The long awaited day, 8th November 2015, dawned to mark the Inter–parish football and throw ball tournament organized by the Nashik diocese. This day will always remain as a red letter day in the lives of us Novices (2015-2016), for we bagged the first place in the throw ball league. We were looking forward to participate in this  tournament, for it was an opportunity for us to meet and interact with many young people  of other parishes – St. Anne’s Parish, Holy Cross, Don Bosco)  At around  9.00 a.m. Fr. Robert Pen sdb declared the throw ball and football tournament open. With mixed feelings we began the first match with St. Anne’s team, followed by Don Bosco and Holy Cross. The success in these matches led us to finals with the Don Bosco parish.  The final match took place in the afternoon at 2.30 p.m. It was in this match that we won the tournament by bagging the first place. It was an unimaginable moment for each one of us. So also was the moment of receiving the trophy.

This tournament was not only a game but a learning experience for us where we learnt to work as a team. It helped us to develop our self – confidence, sportsman spirit and above all, we learnt to respect each player of the team. It also helped us to understand one another and encourage and boost them when we were discouraged. We enjoyed the tournament and we look forward to many such opportunities to be with the youth, liking what they like, thus fulfilling the true spirit of our Founders. Our hearts are filled with gratitude to our dearest formators Sr. Anelfreda Miranda, Sr. Jyothi Pinto and Sr. Reshma Nune for giving us this opportunity and coaching us to give our best. May the good Lord bless them and always hold them close to His heart.
FMA novices play match with St. Anne's parish youth

Sr. Jyothi Pinto fma refreeing the match

FMA novices play match with Holy Cross parish youth

FMA Novices with Don Bosco parish team

FMA Novices with Don Bosco parish team
FMA novices, Nashik (INB) bag the trophy 2015

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Missionaries of Hope and Joy

“As the father has sent me so I am sending you into the world” Jn. 17:18
Paying heed to Pope Francis, urging the Consecrated people to broaden their horizons and move out to the peripheries, we celebrated the mission month in a meaningful way, carrying out activities keeping to the theme, “Being missionaries of Hope and Joy”. Being aware of the missionary intention of the Holy Father we embarked our journey through the missionary month.
The special spiritual initiatives undertaken were the Study and Reflection on the message of the Holy Father for the World Mission Day, good nights on the life of Missionary Sisters who worked in our Province such as Sr. Virginia Marchetti, Sr. Walentyna Czernick, Sr. Camilla Tagliabue, Sr. Berta Sperrfechter and Sr. Gina Azzolini, Sr. Catherine Mania.
Besides this, we prepared various eatables for the mission fete organized by Don Bosco and Satpur Parishes. We offered daily animated Rosary for various intensions like peace, conversion of sinners, intensions of our Holy Father, and for our missionaries in various parts of the World. We spent time in studying the Second Vatican Council’s Decree on Missionary Activity ‘Ad Gentes Divinitus’ and viewed DVDs by Missioni Don Bosco.
We gave a thought to personal spiritual bouquet by praying entire chain Rosary, skipping mid-morning break, fruits at supper, personal mortifications and offering continuous prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father and for the missions. 
We sent E-mails to the missionary sisters of our Province working in the foreign missions. We displayed a thought on the Notice Board as a reminder to pray for the missions and also a call to be a missionary. We had a mission exposure day to Walvanda wherein we got a glimpse of what the periphery is all about and what are the needs of the poor and the needy. The Salesians, who carryout a technical school and various village welfare programmes here, opened our eyes to the reality of our poor today. Besides these activities there was something amusing as well, the creative missionary recreations organized by novices and the sisters which kept our spirits high.

This month played an important role in our lives. The missionaries who were zealous in spreading the Kingdom of God show us how we can be missionaries in our little ways, be it in our community or in our area of work. As we pray for ourselves we also pray to God to send many more missionary vocations to carry forward His mission among the people of our times.

Missionaries in the Making

Mission Expo Visit - Walvanda
The journey of our missionary month, started on the 1st of October, found its culmination on the 30th of October when we landed in a remote mission land unknown to most of us.  The vehicle rolled on for hours together to reach this area. The tiny board welcomed us to Walvanda a unique Mission Centre embarked by the Salesians of Mumbai Province. Fr. Anaclete D’Mello the rector warmly welcomed us to the place and introduced to us the other community members Fr. Ashley Miranda and Brother Alex Gonsalves.
Mission Expo Visit - Walvanda
This was a mission expo for the Novices and Sisters which was a part of the missionary activities of the month. The village we visited was an adivasi area which had a number of tribal people spread across the entire Palgar district. Fr. Anaclete the manager and rector took us around their Mission Centre named, ‘Bosco Samajik Vikas Sanstha’, showing us the various welfare programmes conducted in that Centre and through that Centre.  Here they run a technical institute for the tribal boys providing three months’ technical training with boarding and job placement facilities. 
BSVS caters to forty villages having more than 300 SHG groups providing them income generating programs such as goatary, poultry, tailoring etc.  There are two check dams built through water shed programmes so as to provide water facility to the village folk.  This Centre has fifty qualified social workers who work in clusters so that through resource mobilization they can reach out to many in need. 
Mission Expo Visit - Walvanda
This exposure broadened our vision and the desire to come out of our comfort zones to reach out to the poor and the lowly.  The novices felt that if there is enthusiasm and good will we can face any difficulties and do much to the people of the society. Some felt that adopting simple life style and involving people in our mission work can help in big way to do much good.
It was indeed a wonderful mission experience for all of us.  The beautiful view points and the visit to the tribal palace were the package tour offer along with mission expo. The fire that is enkindled today may grow day by day and help us to reach out to the last and the least with the heart of Jesus.

Mission Expo Visit - Walvanda

Mission Expo Visit - Walvanda

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Mary Queen of the Rosary

The month of October holds a great significance in our Catholic Church as we celebrate the Feast of our Lady of the Rosary and thus consider this as a month of Rosary.  Rosary is not an empty formula which we recite without understanding or knowing its value. It is in fact a devotion and a valuable and lovely form of prayer which unites us with Jesus’ life in a more profound manner.
When we pray the rosary we are like little children on Mary’s lap mumbling her praises, delighting in her nearness as she too delights in our presence. Rosary is not something new to our blessed Mother for it is a weapon given by her to St. Dominic assuring him, that whatever is asked through the rosary, it will be given.  Even though we do not fully understand, we absorb the redemptive truth of our faith.  Mary does not mind our distractions, but appreciates our efforts in spending those precious moments of love with her while praying the rosary.
Every catholic feels privileged to pray this prayer which binds him or her with Jesus and Mary. We too, the Sisters and novices in Sacred Heart Training Centre feel the same as we express our love  to our blessed Mother by keeping up the month of the Rosary. In fact, we believe that Mary is our most holy mother and sole inspirer of our Institute. It is because of her intervention that our Congregation came into existence and our presence in this Institute is also her most desired plan and so living our lives as, “A living monument of gratitude to our blessed Mother” gives justice to our founder St. John Bosco’s saying.

The feast of our Lady of the Rosary was celebrated in a special manner by the beautifully animated prayer moments and Eucharistic celebration. The candle light rosary with the Maria Vihar Boarders was also an act of love to our blessed Mother. During the whole month the daily rosary was beautifully animated, keeping in mind the missionary month as well. This gave us opportunities to be creative and in our own way prove our love and devotion to our heavenly Mother. At the end of this month we, as her dear daughters, would wish to say only this, “Dear mother, bless us your loving daughters with peace, joy and enable us to spread the fragrance of your love to all around us.”


There is a God in my life
The God who gave me life.
He gives me strength to accomplish my task
He fulfills my every wish when I ask.

My life for him is very precious,
With him at my side I am courageous.
He is the one with whom I begin my day,
With him I can negotiate the hurdles on my way.

Life teaches me to do good and not bad,
To move on with my God without becoming sad.
Like a shadow He stands besides me
To put beauty in everything I see.

Nothing in this world can complete unique me.
I am valuable than diamond you see.
My life a unique gift from God

Which I live at the service of my Lord.

Sunday, 18 October 2015


“Go out to the margins, joyful bearers of Good News; bring God’s love to the poor and the needy.”

Following our Lord’s teaching, we the second year Novices of the Mumbai Province had a 45 days long APOSTOLIC EXPERIENCE in three different communities of the province. Sr. Kavita Dias and Sr. Savina Naik had their month long experience in the community of Mazzarello Kendra, Kasarkod and Sr. Maxina Luji and Sr. Ira Viegas had theirs in the community of Ranbambuli Oros. For the next fifteen days the four of us got together for an intensive experience of the mission in the community ANMOL Niwas - Koparkhairane, among the slums and the abandoned.
Ranging from assistance, catechism classes, good morning and good night talks, visiting families, NCPs, Marian Sodalities, SHG Groups, tuition classes, classes in schools, animating recreations, to animating special events, like, Teacher’s day, Mother Mary’s birthday, Marian night, etc., our experience was a full dose of almost everything we needed to know before saying our total and committed ‘Yes’ to the Lord.
The mission among the young especially the poor and the abandoned posed before each of us the challenge of being able to put our mission before ourselves and to reach out generously with a large heart to those society neglects and considers good-for-nothing. We are now sure that we too will be doing all we can to follow the Pope’s advice to wake up and reach out to the peripheries. We really had an Emmaus experience of meeting Jesus in the slum dwellers and the homeless. Their smile was homely and warm.
We are grateful to our dear Mother Provincial for giving us the opportunity to experience community and apostolic life in these exemplary communities of the Province. We are also grateful to our dear Sr. Anelfreda Miranda who accompanied us during these days and gave us her timely and wise guidance and advice.  Most of all we are thankful to the communities of Kasarkod, Oros and Koparkhairane for accepting us into their community and helping us to have a fruitful experience and enjoy the spirit of togetherness in their community. Thanking each Sister of the Province for supporting us during these days with your prayer. We surely had a wonderful experience and are sure to put ourselves totally in the mission which lies ahead of us.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015


“Youth are an important face of the church and without them she would be disfigured” says Benedict XVI. We the novices of sacred Heart Training Center and Novices of Salesian Training Institute were indeed privileged to attend the three days course on Salesian Youth Ministry which was animated by Fr. Ajoy Fernandes SDB and Fr. Glenford Lowe SDB. This course really made us realize that youth work is different from youth ministry. Youth work includes only activities but youth ministry includes activities and holistic development. It aims at making youth good Christians and honest citizen. It follows the method of Preventive System and encourages devotion to Jesus and Mary. 
The Rector Major addressed the youth by telling them “ask us to accompany you, to pray with you always, to be among you especially when you need us most. Do not be afraid to bother us. This must never be a nuisance for a Salesian heart because “the boys of Valdocoo and girls of Mornese made Don Bosco’s heart and Mary Mazzarello’s heart greater”. Don Bosco wanted his every institute to be a home, a school, a church and a playground, a home that builds the heart, a school that builds the mind, a church that builds the soul and a playground that builds the body. These four dimensions of Salesian youth ministry will help us to make our youth good Christians and honest citizens. We should always appreciate the strength of the youth and their weaknesses will disappear. Someone has rightly said “If you want to pluck less weeds plant more flowers”. Don Bosco was ready to work, suffer, to humble himself when it was a question of saving a soul. We are called to be travelling companions with the young. As educators we are called to touch their lives. Youth ministry is not just working for the youth but a ministry of relationship, mutuality, self-generative presence. Affirmation of the special gifts of the young, it is more important than rules regulations, programs and structures. Youth are the most precious portion of humanity. May we as educators be the hands and feet of Christ serving the young specially those rejected by the society.